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Editing Services


Susan Sheehey offers content and line-editing services for other authors. While most of her editing work has been in the romance genre (with many subgenres in all heat levels), she also has clients who write crime thrillers, historical, science fiction, paranormal, young and new adult, non-fiction, and more.

Not sure what kind of editing your book needs?


Focuses on characterization, plot, dialogue, pacing, and voice, among other higher-concept areas. This can also include minor in-line editing for improved readability, reworks awkward phrasing or transitions, etc. When this is finished, you will still need to hire a copy-editor or proofreader for minor punctuation and grammar issues.

Line Edits

Includes developmental and content editing with thorough in-line editing for improved readability, reworks awkward phrasing or transitions. When this is finished, you will still need to hire a copy-editor or proofreader for minor punctuation and grammar issues.


The last pass-through fixes include punctuation, grammar, continuity details, and typos. It is always best practice to use a different proofreader than your content and line editor to fix as many errors as possible.

Sample Edits

If you're interested in a free sample edit, please email Susan on the contact form. She will edit the first 10 pages (or first chapter) so you can get a feel for her style. She will also utilize this to assess the official fee quote. Sample edits must be the first 10 pages of your manuscript (or first chapter), not an excerpt from the middle or end of the book.


Fees are determined by manuscript word count and will be paid via Paypal only. A 50% deposit is required upfront (nonrefundable), and the remaining 50% is due when edits are finished. Once final payment is received, she will email you the full edits.

Email Susan for her current editing rates. Her fees are dependent on the amount of work required. You will have a firm fee quoted along with the expected timeframe prior to any booking after the sample edit. Most 50K-70K novels can be returned within 3 weeks.


Current & Previous Clients

Tim Hagen - Non-Fiction Coaching & Leadership Author

Juliann Brown - Non-Fiction Leadership Memoir

CA Szarek - USA Today Bestselling Romance Author
Kimberly Packard - Award-Winning Women's Fiction Author
Mia London - Award-Winning Romance Author
Joe B. Parr - Detective Mystery Suspense Author
Caleb Pirtle III - Detective Mystery Author
Olivia Bridges - Historical Fiction Author

C. Wayne Dawson - Historical Fiction Author​

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